Monday, March 24, 2008

Challenge the Cesarean Birth Rate

Addie being born3
Originally uploaded by lperreca76

One fully informed mother-to-be shares her experience of becoming knowledgeable about birth options and interventions. She then exercises her right to choose the birth experience she understands is best for her health and child. Read this story of how one woman challenged the cesarean rate of the doctor who cared for her. Peace

Monday, March 3, 2008

Powerful and Inspiring Workshop

The Sacramento Childbirth Educator Workshop was fun and inspiring. The women who attended had an incredible energy. There was so much exchange and dialogue. It was refreshing to witness the vision and passion this particular group of women emitted to provide support and empowerment to women and their families in their specific geographic areas. Lively discussions where held asking questions about how we can build teams with other health care professionals and continue to enable women to have freedom of choice during their birth experiences. What was most moving about the workshop was the "closing circle" in which each women shared what "I believe birth is..." and what "I believe all women deserve..." Read the affirming statements from the workshop and be revived to know that so many women want to work together and teach other women about how amazing birth is and that each women should be able to know her options and have access to birth her way. Just imagine what it will be like when every woman has a doula at her side. When every woman is asked would you like a water birth. When women are supported to have a VBAC. When every woman has access to a midwife. When we have many schools for women who want to be midwives. When woman can push out their babies any way they choose. When woman do not fear labor as dreadful, but embrace it as a right of passage. Imagine!